We attach importance to transparency, credibility and accountability. Part of our objective is to handle donations and public funds carefully and publicly: Every year, AWO International voluntarily undergoes an external audit. Auditors, elected by the general meeting, audit the work of the association annually in accordance with the regulations. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as well as the auditors of Aktion Deutschland Hilft also check completed project records at the Aktionsbüro. AWO International has joined the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and is a member of the German Donation Council. Since February 2022, AWO International has also been registered in the Lobby Register of the German Bundestag. With the registration in the lobby register, we commit ourselves to disclose all donations to AWO International with an amount above 20,000 euros.

Deutscher Spendenrat
The members of Deutscher Spendenrat e.V. are dedicated to promoting integrity and transparency in the donation system in Germany. Members must disclose all information, data, activities, projects and finances in an annual report. The organization's finances are independently audited. The results are published annually. More information: www.spendenrat.de

Donation Certificate Deutschen Spendenrats
AWO International was awarded with the new donation certificate of the German Spendenrat e.V. (Donation Council). The certificate assures our confidentiality and proves that we handle the donations entrusted to us in a particularly transparent and responsible manner. It is the only test procedure in Germany in which auditors review the quality control of the donation certificate. More information: https://www.spendenrat.de/spendenzertifikat

Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft
AWO International e.V. has signed the declaration of commitment of the Initiative Transparente Gesellschaft (Transparent Civil Society Initiative). Here you can find an overview of the 10 points of the initiative Transparent Civil Society (German only).