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South AsiaIndia

Strong girls - strong communities

Together against human trafficking in India

In the Indian state of West Bengal, AWO International is working with its partner organisation Kolkata Sanved to protect women and girls from human trafficking. Through dance and movement therapy, as well as targeted awareness-raising activities, the project helps survivors process traumatic experiences and empowers vulnerable girls and women to strengthen their autonomy and agency.

Auf dem Bild ist eine Gruppe von Frauen zu sehen, die selbst gemalte Bilder in Kamera halten.
Wellbeing clubs give girls and young women the opportunity to build confidence and discuss topics such as menstruation and their rights.

Protection from human trafficking

The South 24 Parganas district in West Bengal is one of the regions in India most affected by human trafficking. Poverty, unemployment, and natural disasters - such as severe cyclones during the monsoon season - worsen the situation. Increasing soil salinity has led to declining agricultural yields, further worsening economic conditions. The per capita income is significantly below the national average. Remote communities are particularly affected, as many people live in precarious conditions, making them more vulnerable to human trafficking.


Prevention programmes for young people

Together with our Indian partner organisation, Kolkata Sanved, we are working to empower vulnerable young people and protect them from the dangers of trafficking. Originally, Kolkata Sanved used dance and movement therapy to rehabilitate survivors of gender-based violence. Today, the organization also offers prevention programs for vulnerable youth, aiming to boost their self-confidence and enable their social participation.

We aim to break taboos and eliminate the stigma surrounding menstruation, enabling young women and girls to handle their periods with confidence. This includes raising awareness about environmentally friendly menstrual products and their proper disposal. We also want to provide training on reproductive health and rights for adolescent girls. It is encouraging to see how girls and women gain newfound confidence through the project’s initiatives.

 Sobha P., Project Manager of Kolkata Sanved

Local volunteers as multipliers

In 2024, 16 volunteers were trained to independently offer dance and movement therapy to adolescent girls and other community members in their villages. They also conduct counselling and awareness sessions for at-risk youth, who in turn share their knowledge within their communities.


Working with local initiatives

In addition, the project brings young people together with local initiatives and government representatives to jointly develop preventive measures against human trafficking and gender-based violence. This exchange fosters a sustainable protection mechanism for affected communities.


Place/Region South 24 Parganas Distrikt des indischen Bundesstaates Westbengalen
Partner Kolkata Sanved (KS)
  • Well-being clubs for girls and women: We support the establishment and strengthening of well-being clubs where adolescent girls and women can feel safe, connect, and empower each other.
  • Training for social workers: Staff from social institutions receive specialized training to better support affected and at-risk individuals.
  • Dance and movement therapy training: Young people and community members learn how to use dance and movement to build self-confidence and process traumatic experiences.
  • Awareness materials on human trafficking: We develop easy-to-understand brochures, posters and videos to educate communities about the dangers of trafficking and how to protect themselves.
  • Engagement with authorities and policy makers: We advocate with government institutions to improve protection against human trafficking and enhance support for those affected.
Duration January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025
Budget 125.000 EUR
Sponsor German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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