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Central AmericaMexico

Strategies for the protection of migrants

Mexico experiences the entire migration cycle: Every year about 450,000 migrants from Central America cross the country, many of them staying in the country. But thousands of Mexicans are also on their way themselves. But migration harbours many dangers. Together with our partner organization UMUN, we are carrying out a project to reduce risks.

Migrants in transit are provided with a warm meal by the hostel La Sagrada Familia (Photo: UMUN)
Migrants in transit are provided with a warm meal by the hostel La Sagrada Familia (Photo: UMUN)

Mexico experiences the entire migration cycle: on the one hand, several thousand Mexicans migrate to the USA and Canada every year, and on the other, countless migrants from Central America cross the country year after year. In recent years, Mexico has become not only a transit country but also a destination for migrants. Due to the tightened migration policy of the USA, more and more people decide to stay in Mexico and build a new life there. In addition, many deported migrants also return to their communities. Our partner organization Un Mundo Una Nación (UMUN) (One World, One Nation) is well prepared to deal with the complex problems that the various forms of migration bring with them and offers support for the migrants.

UMUN is a member of the network Colectivo Por Una Migración Sin Fronteras and represents it as our project partner. The organization concentrates on work in the communities of origin and in transit and lobbies to strengthen the rights of migrants. In Apizaco, Tlaxcala, UMUN also maintains a migrant hostel. The hostel La Sagrada Familia is located right next to the tracks of the freight train "La Bestia", which is used by many migrants as a means of transport despite the particularly high risk of accidents.

The second collective organization, Centro de Atención a la Familia Migrante e Indígena (CAFAMI), strengthens community groups and committees. These consist of people who are themselves affected by migration in all its facets. They provide information on migration routes, risks and rights during migration so that potential migrants can make an informed decision for or against their own migration. They also carry out political lobbying in the fight against human trafficking.

The third member organization, Trayecto 3, offers legal advice for migrants and their families, specializing in the right to identity and education. A new focus of the organization is the legal support of refugees and asylum seekers in Mexico. All organizations are also members of other networks and thus have a national reach.

Working with migrants and affected families at community level

Migration groups are formed in the six project communities. Here the members can exchange their experiences and life realities. In addition, these groups will inform and discuss the use of remittances from emigrated family members. In this context, savings and life plans should be drawn up with the group members.

The migration groups will also be used to inform the participants about the risks and rights of migration and asylum. In the future, the community groups are to form networks and become politically active, as well as accept migrants travelling through in solidarity families and support them with legal questions.

In the hostel "La Sagrada Familia" in Apizaco, migrant women receive accommodation, food and medical care and are given appropriate care. Should they decide to stay in Mexico, they will receive support in applying for the right to stay and in finding work. Above all, people who have become victims of violence in their home country are supported. Hostel staff are trained in the following topics, among others: Support for victims of violence, the violent situation in the countries of origin, first aid and the right to asylum in Mexico.

Within the framework of the project, however, the organisations themselves are also supported in professionalising their own work. They will, for example, be strengthened in their ability to obtain funds independently for the implementation of their own projects. They will also be supported in making themselves heard in the public media. Through cooperation with other networks and organisations working in the field of migration, energies are to be bundled and better lobbying done.

Update November 2022:

The collective Un Mundo Una Nación - Colectivo Migración Sin Fronteras (One World, One Nation - Collective for Migration without Borders) has been working together since 2019. Due to internal restructuring, change processes, as well as disagreements between sub-projects, the collective has decided to dissolve at the end of 2022 and continue to actively engage in the field of migration as independent organizations.


Project Strategies for the protection of migrants
Place/Region Six municipalities in six counties in Tlaxcala State
Partner UMUN
Target group families affected by migration, migrants in transit

Strengthen self-determined migration decisions and promote informed migration and prevention of risk factors on the way through Mexico

  • Psychosocial support for affected families and advice on dealing with the foreign exchange
  • Strengthening of community-oriented structures and solidarity-based families to care for migrants women in transit
  • Advocacy and lobby work for the development and implementation of laws that establish the right to education and identity for children and young people from transnational families
  • Care and reception of migrants in the hostel "La Sagrada Familia
Duration 2025 - 2027
Budget 60.000 Euro p.a.
Sponsor BMZ

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